After many edits and false starts, I finally felt my manuscript was ready for the next step. I learned that the picture book market is notoriously competitive when landing a publishing deal. It can be a very long game with an uncertain outcome. Most traditional publishing houses won’t accept a submission by a new author. Since my primary goal is to see my book published and available for little readers according to my own timeline, and I wish to have the final say on all creative decisions, I decided to go with a hybrid publisher that will guide me on this self-publishing journey.
I signed up for the one-year Publishing Mastermind program with Miriam Laundry Publishing. As the name suggests, the goal is to go from an initial manuscript to a published children’s book in the span of just one year! I began by working through a ten-module Children’s Book Writing Masterclass that included teaching videos and homework assignments. The emphasis was on providing a strong support network for serious aspiring authors so everyone progresses in a timely manner toward the end goal.
The modules have made me realize that I have a lot more editing to do!
So, back to the drawing board…